Philipp Hauer's Blog

Engineering Management, Java Ecosystem, Kotlin, Sociology of Software Development


Why I Moved Back from Gradle to Maven

Posted on Apr 2, 2018

Why I Moved Back from Gradle to Maven

“Maven is old school” they said. “Use Gradle instead. It’s the future of building Java applications” they said. Sounds like something you don’t want to miss. So I tried Gradle in two real-world projects. In this post, I like to tell you about my experiences with Gradle and why I finally migrated back to Maven. It’s a story about enthusiasm and disillusionment.

Don't use In-Memory Databases (H2, Fongo) for Tests

Posted on Aug 21, 2017

Don't use In-Memory Databases (H2, Fongo) for Tests

At a first glance, in-memory databases (like H2 or Fongo) look like a good idea. You can test your code without having to worry about installing and managing a dedicated database server up front. Just start your tests and the H2 database will be up and running. However, this comfort comes with severe drawbacks. In this post, I explain my reservations and point out Docker as an alternative which can be easily used with TestContainers or within the Gradle/Maven build.